Silent night
A contemplative Christmas carol reflecting on Christ's birth.
Words: Words: German, Joseph Mohr; translation, John Freeman Young. Music: Franz Gruber. Public domain.
It is well with my soul
A hymn about having faith in God through the trials of life.
Words: Horatio G. Spafford. Music: Philip P. Bliss. Public domain.
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
A hymn of gratitude, worship, and praise, based on Psalm 103.
Words: Henry Francis Lyte. Music: John Goss. Public domain.
Holy, holy, holy
A hymn proclaiming the Trinity, based on Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4.
Words: Reginald Heber. Music: John Bacchus Dykes. Public domain.
Hark! the herald angels sing
A classic Christmas carol proclaiming Christ's birth and its theological implications.
Words: Charles Wesley. Music: Felix Mendelssohn. Public domain.
What child is this
A Christmas carol about a child who fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 9.
Words: William Chatterton Dix. Music: English traditional. Public domain.
Hamba Nathi (Come With Us)
A South African freedom song about journeying together.
Public domain.
The Lord's Prayer
In the New Testament, this is the prayer Jesus uses when teaching his disciples to pray.
Words: Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4; paraphrase. Music: Richard Langdon. Public domain.
Rejoice, the Lord is King
This hymn celebrates the ascension and reign of Christ.
Words: Charles Wesley. Music: John Darwall. Harmony: William Henry Monk. Public domain.
If ye love me
A 4-part motet based on John 14.
Words: John 14:15-17. Music: Thomas Tallis. Public domain.
What a friend we have in Jesus
A fun, new twist on an old favourite.
Words: Joseph Scriven. Music: Charles Converse. Public domain.
Arrangement © Claire Lemiski, 2021. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Jesus Christ is risen today
A celebratory Easter hymn. Hallelujah!
Words: Latin, anonymous; translation, Tate and Brady's New Version 1698; vs. 4 Charles Wesley. Music: Lyra Davidica 1708, 1749. Public domain.
Take up your cross
This is a Lenten hymn based on Luke 9.
Words: Charles William Everest. Music: Henry Baker. Public domain.
God, whose almighty word
This hymn about the Trinity is a prayer for God's light to shine in the world... something we could all use in the darkness of winter, in the midst of a pandemic.
Words: John Marriott. Music: Felice de Giardini. Public domain.
Love divine, all loves excelling
A hymn about the love of God in Christ.
Words: Charles Wesley. Music: Rowland Hugh Pritchard. Public domain.
Joy to the world!
A Christmas carol based on Psalm 98.
Words: Isaac Watts. Music: Lowell Mason. Public domain.
Comfort, comfort you my people
An Advent hymn based on Isaiah 40.
Words: German, Johannes Olearius; translation, Catherine Winkworth. Music: Genevan Psalter 1551. Public domain.
Lead me, Lord
A contemplative song based on verses from Psalms 4 and 5.
Words: Psalm 4:8, Psalm 5:8 Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley. Public domain.
Arrangement: © Claire Lemiski, 2020. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
This doxology features a 3-part canon in the first verse and 4-part harmony in the second verse.
Words: v. 1, Thomas Ken, public domain; v. 2: © Claire Lemiski, 2020, all rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: Thomas Tallis, public domain.